I find deep inspiration in the realm of scientific discovery, particularly in the groundbreaking work of Max Planck. Admiring Planck’s exploration of the relationship between heat and energy, Navarro is profoundly influenced by the development of quantum theory. Planck’s efforts to resolve the “ultraviolet catastrophe” within black-body radiation—a problem that classical physics couldn’t explain because it predicted infinite energy emission—resonates deeply with Navarro. This pivotal moment in scientific history, where the quantum theory was born, serves as a nexus for his creative expression.
"The Monolith Of Max Planck"
The Digital Extension Series was created by a software media, not Artificial Intelligence (AI).
"Horizon Of The Singularity"
I have to mention to appoint scientists Roger Penrose, Stephen Hawking and Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri, who devoted their entire life obsessively inspired to find in the phenomena of the Cosmology’s nature, the mathematic theories and poetry that allows us to fly our imagination into the light of the obscurity of the unknown.
The Digital Extension Series was created by a software media, not Artificial Intelligence (AI).