The Digital Extension

The Freedom Of Colors

The Digital Extension, it is an inspiration that I created from the digital experimentation process and which became part of my art making. In this showcase bellow the page, you find a body of work with this particular style. ~ “The Freedom of Colors”.

In my journey as an artist, I have found profound satisfaction in exploring digital transformations of my original paintings. This process allows for an expansion of the creative horizon, where the familiar becomes a playground for the unfamiliar. digital transformations in art are a robust avenue for creative exploration, breaking the bounds of traditional color usage and inviting a continuous evolution of artistic learning. Through the skillful use of advanced tools and thoughtful engagement with the digital palette, the artwork can transcend its original form, offering fresh perspectives and newfound emotional depth. My goal with each transformation is to uncover the limitless potential within colors and to celebrate the freedom they bring to artistic expression.


Oil on Stretched Canvas
Oil on Stretched Canvas
oil on canvas
Oil on Stretched Canvas
Original Varnished Oil on Canvas 48" h X 36" w x 1" 3/4 d - Hugo A Navarro
Original Varnished Oil on Canvas 48" h X 36" w x 1" 3/4 d - Hugo A Navarro
Original Varnished Oil on Canvas 36" h X 45" 1/2 w X 1" 3/4 d - Hugo A Navarro
Original Painting on Stretched Canvas
Original Painting on Stretched Canvas
original oil on canvas
original oil on canvas